Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANE) are registered nurses with advanced training in forensic evidence collection and care of the sexually assaulted patient population. SANE training consists of didactic education in forensic evidence collection and documentation, courtroom testimony and clinical skills, precepted clinical experiences and observation with local law enforcement agencies
- Full head-to-toe nursing assessment
- Heath and forensic history taking
- Sexual Assault Forensic Examination
- Initiate STD/STI prophylaxis
- Initiate emergency contraception
- Collaboration with advocacy and law enforcement
- Provide referrals and community resources
- Community education and outreach
Rapid Sexual Assault Victim Exam (SAVE) Investigation, LLC is a SANE nurse agency committed to providing the industry standard in sexual assault patient care and forensic evidence collection. Although many medical facilities employee SANE nurses, providing around-the-clock SANE coverage for all sexual assault patients is challenging. RSI guarantees 24/7 call coverage to all contracted medical facilities.
Additionally, RSI employs only state or nationally certified SANE nurses with a minimum of one year experience. We are certain that the SANE nurses caring for your patients will provide the most comprehensive, evidence-based, family-centered care that your patients have come to know and expect from you.
Oregon Bureau of Justice statistics suggest that one in six Oregonians have been sexually assaulted at least once in their life. During 2006, in Multnomah County alone, there were more than one thousand calls to the crisis line with report of sexual assault. Portland Police Bureau reviewed nearly 800 sexual assault cases. RSI will decrease the burden of training Emergency Department staff in forensic evidence collection.
In addition, the patient‘s emergency department stay is streamlined when one dedicated employee is responsible for patient care and evidence collection. This can contribute to better patient satisfaction while in your facility. Finally, evidence demonstrates that prosecution and conviction rates, and patient satisfaction, are all dramatically improved when SANE nurses are responsible for forensic evidence collection and chain of custody maintenance. With RSI, LLC you will be providing your patients with the most comprehensive, efficient, cutting-edge care available.
Your patients will thank you.
If you are interested in joining our team